There have always been more reasons to shop around for your business energy than not however nPower have taken things to extreme proportions. Giving 500 million reasons why being very careful who supplies your energy and at what cost is essential.
This particular tale involves a couple who had switched energy supplier, choosing to move from Scottish Power to nPower only to then be landed with the biggest bill in history, demanding a staggering £500m payment.
nPower, as seems to be the wont of suppliers in these cases, has squarely laid the blame on previous supplier Scottish Power as they had only recently installed a new meter in the premise but unfortunately hadn’t done so correctly. As a result the meter wasn’t registering consumption.
Enter the nPower meter reader who then comes to the only logical conclusion, the meter isn’t not working, rather it is working and happens to have ‘gone round the clock’ and entirely coincidentally reads zero once more.
As a result nPower accepted the reading and billed the couple the full amount ‘due’.
The lessons? Be very careful chasing the cheapest price doesn’t leave you with the worst service and always consider a smart meter.