Your independent energy adviser
0800 051 5770

Energy Monitor

Reducing the Amount of Energy Your Business Uses

Spending your time shopping around each time your contract ends is dealing with the symptom… not the cause.

When it comes to energy, the long term ‘win’ is really getting under the skin of how your business uses energy and then acting on that information to make enduring savings. But the energy industry is one of the only ones that does not provide the customer with an itemised bill and most suppliers do very little to really help you understand what you’re spending your money on.

This means that most customers are in the dark when it comes to answering the most important question: how do I use energy? And would be much better off spending their limited time getting a better understand of the how, when and why rather than hunting for a fractional unit rate saving.

So how do you manage what you can’t measure? Well we believe it’s our responsibility as a broker to help; after all it’s not really in the interests of the big suppliers to help you use less of their product is it?!

That’s why we’ve spent the last year looking at a variety of suppliers to come up with two fantastic pieces of technology, aimed at different types of customers.

Simple Electricity Monitor

Ideal for Small Companies

For small consumers we’ve got a simple electricity monitor that you install yourself. It’s really easy to get up and running and once you do you’ll be able to see your consumption almost immediately. And once you’ve had it running for a few months you’ll be able to get a sense of what your usage profile is like.

Full Energy Monitor

For Larger Companies

For the larger consumers we have a state of the art energy monitor that’s used by some of the largest organisations in the UK. But rather than costing many thousands of pounds to install (like some other solutions) this can be implemented for a fraction of the cost and gives almost real time usage data at circuit level. This enables you to see exactly what you’re using – showing you the cost of your lighting, heating and ventilation (HVAC), server room… and almost anything you wish.

Call us now on 0800 051 5770 or email us at and we’ll talk to you about your best options.