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Economy 7 Off-Peak Hours

Off-Peak Hours

Economy 7 times can be confusing. Contrary to some belief, Economy 7 Off-Peak Hours are defined by region and meter not by Supplier.

Some regions are explicit about the Economy 7 times and have a single 7-hour period wherever an Economy 7 meter is fitted. If your business is based in The North East, North West, Yorkshire, Southern England or London then you can tell exactly when your Economy 7 Off-Peak Hours begin and end.

Other regions make it less easy however and instead work on the basis of a the Economy 7 time being a meter dependent period of 7 consecutive hours within a night time phase of anything up to 10.5 hours.

To make things a little easier each of these Economy 7 time combinations must be in multiples of half hours and so the period must begin at either 00 or 30 past the hour.

In normal circumstances, where you are not located in a region that specifies its Economy 7 hours regardless of meter type the specific timing applicable to the meter should be detailed on the unit itself. If this is not visible you will need to contact your meter operator to establish the exact Economy 7 times specific to your installation.

Use the expanding sections below where you will find a list of policies on Economy 7 times by region and a breakdown by each time period with the regions that abide by each convention.