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Online Billing for Business Energy

More and more businesses are embracing the internet as not only a way to do business with their customers but as a way to interact with their suppliers. The energy industry is no different however the progress of a universal move away from paper invoicing is not as advanced as in some other industries. Some business energy suppliers however have embraced ‘online’ billing to save both time and cost and to provide regular, timely and informative access for their customers. Whilst the specifications of each suppliers’ online billing differs, the minimum specification is the customer receiving their invoices via a dedicated online portal with which they can interact at will.

Energy Suppliers with Online Billing

Those suppliers who have developed their proposition to provide online billing to their business energy customers are:

Energy Suppliers with Paper Billing

Those business energy suppliers who continue to rely on paper billing for their main interactions with their customers are: It isn’t solely the presentation of bills however that those customers miss out on when using supplier without online billing functionality. A significant boon for many businesses has been the domestic like ability to provide regular meter reads to their energy supplier online in order to ensure accurate estimation of consumption volumes and therefore billing. For the most forward thinking business energy suppliers, the deployment of smart and advanced meters enables them to utilize their customer portals to directly interact with their customers, providing near real time access to their metering data enabling a much greater level of transparency and control in their relationship. That is not to say that business energy suppliers without online billing are a bad option, far from it, an incorrect bill is no less incorrect if it’s delivered online that if it’s sent by post! However if regular and timely access to information is essential for your business’ energy needs then online billing could make all the difference to your choice of energy supplier. If you’d like to find out more about your billing options and what will work best for your business call us on 0800 051 5770, we’d love to hear from you.